G’day everyone! Jason Here!
Finally, after months of planning, meetings with staff and students; and a lot of last minute drama, Hop Step Jump English School will be traveling to Australia today!
Anne and I are both really excited to be able to take the students on a trip that our students will never forget.
The students have all tried their hardest to study English up until now. Now it’s their chance to use all of the English which they have learnt. We’ve planned lots of activities, day trips, and have tried to create opportunities for them to use English as much as possible.
Most of all, I just want the students to have fun, realize that the world is bigger than they can imagine, and that having English as a language will give them lots of opportunities in their future!
I hope Hop Step Jump will give them a trip that they will remember for the rest of their lives.
For those students interested in what the students are up to, please ask Masumi and Logan who might be able to tell you how things are going.
オーストラリアにいる僕たちや生徒たちがどんな様子か興味がある方は、Masumiや Loganに聞いてみてね。

Anne and I will see you when we get back, hopefully with lots of fun stories!